Wax Printing service

Onsite we use a 3-D Systems Pro Jet 2500 to create our models. It is a fast, reliable and superbly accurate printer.

It prints in wax with no resin content and will cast in the same way with standard burnout cycles.

As well as offering a CAD and print service we can also print from your designs. Simply WeTransfer or email an stl file. We will run it through a ‘health check’ to flag up any potential issues in the printing or casting process. If necessary and unless otherwise advised we will add sprues to your design to aid with printing and casting.

We do not accept responsibility for modelling errors from outside files and all measurements must be checked and signed off by the client.We provide a price before printing and we can post the models directly to your caster.

All prices given do not include VAT or postage

MOBILE : 07787 504429

How does wax printing work?

What is 3D printing for jewellery?   Its an additive process whereby layers of wax are built up to create a 3D part. Unlike most resin printing processes in jewellery the pro jet 3d prints a soluble support material and the wax castable material. The support material once completed is boiled away to leave no trace what so ever unlike resin print supports that can leave ghost marks that can spoil surface detail. The wax material is then used in the normal lost wax burn out process without need for any special burn out measures. Pro jet produces a very high quality of surface that's essential for producing the highest quality of jewellery products.